
Medication response, what can be learned from my family? 

Healthcare PhD candidate


Medication response, what can be learned from my family?

Healthcare PhD candidate


Iris is a Ph.D. student studying Computer Science at the Weizmann Institute of Science and is proud to be a part of Eran Segal’s group. Her research focuses on the integration of healthcare and biology with machine learning.


Iris is a Ph.D. student studying Computer Science at the Weizmann Institute of Science and is proud to be a part of Eran Segal’s group. Her research focuses on the integration of healthcare and biology with machine learning.


Variability of response to medication is a well-known phenomenon, determined by both environmental and genetic factors. Understanding the heritable component of the response to medication is of great interest to many, but is also challenging due to reasons such as small study cohorts and computational limitations. We studied the heritability of variation in the glycaemic response to metformin, a first-line therapeutic agent for type 2 diabetes (T2D), by leveraging electronic health records (EHR). Our work is the first to estimate the heritability of drug response using EHR data.


Variability of response to medication is a well-known phenomenon, determined by both environmental and genetic factors. Understanding the heritable component of the response to medication is of great interest to many, but is also challenging due to reasons such as small study cohorts and computational limitations. We studied the heritability of variation in the glycaemic response to metformin, a first-line therapeutic agent for type 2 diabetes (T2D), by leveraging electronic health records (EHR). Our work is the first to estimate the heritability of drug response using EHR data.